He spends a lot of time there making giant chalk murals on all the national monuments and sharing his stories with his new friends ( 3 Dog, Temple of the Union, the ghouls in Underworld, Rivet City, Little Lamplight).Įventually he comes across the Commonwealth and meets the Soul Survivor and their companions. He takes a detour to our nation’s capitol. If there’s anyone that could get photographic evidence of Mothman, it’s him. Heading north up the Mississippi and eventually through what’s left of West Virginia. Then heading west, traversing the irradiated swamps of New Orleans and playing tricks on Gatorclaws. Seeing New Vegas for the first time, enjoying the company of the Courier and their companions. Just imagine him taking pictures from the camera the Courier most definitely gave him. The most epic road trip of a lifetime and he’s so content and happy wandering around.
I like to think that chucklehead made it across America.